Oct 4, 2013

From Dave -

I love those Alaskans! Here's a message from a student in a recent assembly I did there.

2013-10-01 00:57:53 (MDT) Dear Mr. & Mrs. Scott (Rachel's parents),
I just had Rachel's Challenge Event take place at my school (school name redacted) in Alaska. I couldn't tell you enough how much your daughter has inspired me to live. I have been struggling with thoughts of suicide. I have never in my 17 years had someone touch my heart like your daughter has. I have never before experienced the feeling of wanting to go on with life and help those around me. Thank you for allowing Rachel to be with us and inspire us to live and love.
Rachel gave me the opportunity to want to live my life for a long time and I am determined to do the same for others.
I hope you have read this because you need to know how amazing your daughter IS. and always be. I WILL do Rachel's Challenge.
Yours Truly,

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